Africa: (+228) 96-21-16-26

North America: (+001) 704-469-6919


The Marshalland Farms & Plantations

Give to Land, Feed Families

Family owned & operated farms & plantations in Africa & North America

Shop the Farms



We’re a modest family of immigrants living in the US, but still deep rooted in West Africa.
We immigrated to the US a couple of decades ago, & pursued every opportunity that our
new homeland could offer us. But after successes & failures, we’re back to the land.


Our motivation

There is no new motivation here: this is the lifestyle that we so much missed! Our parents
parents were not farmers, but they owned small & mid-size subsistence fields &
livestocks that fed the family. Early on, we got used to waking up with rooster crowing
& goat bleating.


Give to Land, Feed Families!

That’s our motto! we truly believe that you’ll always get something for families
if you give to lands with passion.


We’re dedicated to Quality…

We know that our fruits, vegetables, grains, meats & eggs will end up in a family’s dinner,
& we take that seriously. We’ll always make sure that our animals roam freely outdoors,
& that our crops stay free of GMOs.


Come visit us!

Please come visit us! Our doors will always be open for visitors, & we will proudly
show you around.

Contact Us